Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 11: Hiking to the waterfall

Today we got up and grabbed some late breakfast, luckily our generous guides were willing to stretch the departure time to allow use to order some eggs, and they were delicious. We were all slow today after all of the hiking yesterday. We were a little sore, and a little tired, but we got around and hit the road by 8:20am. We met up with our guide and drove to the trail head. It was a long walk, but it was well worth the steep trails and me falling on my butt. The waterfall was amazing, and we got to hang out there for about 30 minutes taking pictures. Then we had to hike back up through the switchbacks from hell, but it seemed not as bad as yesterday in terms of intensity and heat. We were able to stop on the way up to see some mangabeys. It was awesome getting to see some monkeys that we had never planned on seeing. They were not habituated, and were completely wild. They were pretty interested in us. We made our way up and out and went for some lunch and back to the guest house. All in all it was good to do, but most of us are pretty sore and glad that tomorrow shouldn’t be too much hiking. I’m sorry these posts are shorter, but I’m tired from the hiking and there is not as much to write about when you hike for 6 hours and see a lot of the same stuff. I’ll try to flesh this out a bit more when I get some more sleep.
Enjoy some pictures of the monkeys we saw!

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